+ 34 616 539 066 amparo@interpro.es

Latest Works

Amparo L. Cruz



If painting, like all other Fine Arts, aims only to stimulate sensations, when we stand in front of Amparo’s work we immediately feel the unsubtle presence of art in its most basic definition.

Beyond “isms” and beyond techniques, Amparo’s canvases transmit a rare harmony of color, reconciling with her jumping and disturbing brushstroke a sometimes implausible marriage between warm and cold ranges that makes her appear “malgré elle” with the best impressionist tradition of immobilizing the instantaneous.

Amparo is not a cartoonist; It would seem that her drive to weave small symphonies of color makes her distance from any formal artifice that can constrain or mask the freshness of color in a free state.

And yet, reluctantly, the compositional balance of her canvases betrays the kind of intuitive and uncontaminated artist.

Agustin Casado – Artist / Journalist

Amparo L. Cruz – Biography

Museum Cruz Herrera

(La Línea de la Concepción – Cádiz)

This  painter is the living proof that talent can be inherited. Amparo L. Cruz was born in San Roque Cádiz) Spain, grew up  among  the smells of turpentine and oil canvas of her grandfather’s work  shop, the famous J. Cruz Herrera,  chairman of the National Arts Academy  and founder of  the prestigious Museum that bears his name.

The first Amparo’s toys were her grandad and mum’s brushes. With this daily influence and inspiring environment Amparo developed her talent.

The lightness of her colors,  present  throughout  her work, shows as well the  sentimental attachment for orientalism, so deeply  rooted in the the paintings of her predecessors.  Her brush paint reveals the influence of Monet and the later compositions of the expressionist masters.

But still, Amparo López Cruz Herrera  never ceases to be, above all, herself.

Agustin Casado – Artist / Journalist  

11 + 14 =

To purchase canvases by Amparo L. Cruz, please contact:



Marbella – España


+34 616 539 066

+34 619 225 225